How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our main character a young man based in his late 20s/ early 30s who is an army sergant who now realys on drugs to help him. The short 2 minute beginning clip of Ignorance was created, produced and acted by young people in their later teens.
Our main character doesn't actually say anything in our clip. Music is over played ontop of the clip and the oise is bordered out.
Matt our actor doesn't say anything in the whole clip which adds some suspense to the clip. Puncture a film of which is based in the present and is related to drugs just like our film.
The Main Character in Ignorance seems to be a man of some class as just by looking at his cothes, a long coat and white shirt you can tell that he isnt exaclty poor hoever, when you see him walkingdown a street in Redcliffe you can see that where he is isn't actually that safe and that the walls are graffitied and area looks a little run down.
This looks rather odd but you can see clearly that this is happeneed and trying to get a message across and the cutbacks which appear in the next scene gives a sense that things are more than they seem.
The girl who appears in the flashbacks is the man's sister who seemed to of been captured. She look young and vonerable which could realter to young women. This is more realistc aswell as men normally seem to have moe power in Thriller and other movie genre films.
We also used an actor who wasnt your typical teenage girl with short choppy hair, which isnt common on teenage girls. This helped us make the film look more like a Thriller film with a twist instead of having your typical characters used.