Our film 'Ignorance' starts off with an alarm clock sound and a picture of a the clock. This part of the clip is common in Thriller movies and other movie genres. In the Film '1408' The alarm clock goes off, however it isn't a Alarm sound but a song playing. We used an alarm clock at the very beginning of our clip to show that the day has only just begun and the noise is irritating so it instantly grabs the viewers attention.
From this the main character who's name is not mentioned (Matt Gilpin) hits the alarm and from this the film in now focused on him. As he walks around the house and into the drawer your still unsure of what is happening/ going to happen and as the music (2 guitars and drums) are playing, it adds suspense and questioning to what is happening.
Whilst the clip is still playing, the beginning credits are also shown at the start of the clip as it is only 2 minutes long to show who filmed it and directed it etc.
As the Title of "ignorance" appears, what's happening in the background dissolves but is still on the screen. The title stands out and is in bold white lettering to do so and the background of which is the main young character (Matt) inhaling some sort of drug, is faded so the title is clear but you can also get a glimpse of what is happening.
Then the music stops and the Directors name are shown. Cutting straight to the main young actor (Matt) walking down the street and the noise of the outside being overplayed. This gives a sense of eeriness and you can tell the camera is handheld which gives a sense of realism yet panicky as it slightly shakes. This is the party of the film which lures the viewers in as it it quite eery and strange and it looks like the character is having some sort of flashback and the camera switches back and forth on the young man and back to what appears to be a young girl capture and being beaten, these flashbacks give a sense of mystery. Flashbacks are used often in Thriller films to give a sense that something has happened or is happening at that moment in time. For the viewer this leads you wanting to ask questions and find out what else is going to happen next in the clip, and thats what we hopefully aim to get back from the audience we targeted.

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